In short, here is an update. I'm feeling a little more on top of my life than I'd been feeling when I hung up my proverbial spurs back in October or whenever that was. My dissertation is under way, and my personal life is... well. Sorted out, I guess would be a good way to put it. Where before there was angst, now there is calm. Where before I felt stressed, now I feel happy. These feelings have a lot to do with the fact that I've got a chapter done, I feel like I've hit my stride with ye olde dissertation, and I've got both an article and a chapter in an edited volume in the works. I am on top of it.
But it also has something to do with a fellow I met.
Blog, I'd like you to meet Handsome. You will be hearing about him more later.
More to follow, I promise, one post at a time.
Welcome back!
It certainly looks like Handsome floats your boat.
Oh happy day!!! Balance has been restored to the force. Welcome back indeed!
I cannot wait to meet Mr. Knight in Shining Armor.
And no, no snow yet. :(
yay! oh how i have missed The Great Cheastypants. so happy to hear that you are happy and feeling in control of things. :) :) :)
Hooray and welcome back!! Can't wait to read all about Handsome! :D
Welcome back. So good to have you here again!
wow, that was quick. thanks for the welcome home, everybody!
woo friggin' hoo!!!!
love, cookie
woo freakin' hoo!!! best news heard all day.
love, cookie
Haha, I'm going to tell Cameron that he came up with "Handsome's" blog name.
So glad that you're back! ALSO, so wish I were in Austin right now to enjoy the snow!
So glad your back! and, really, snow?? in Austin?! I sure as hell picked a good winter to change hemispheres!
The Fairy King
That's such a great picture of the both of you! I love it how it kind of looks like Handsome is both taking the photo and operating the hot air balloon behind your backs! :)
This is loverly. So who is driving the balloon? You? Or Handsome. If it is Handsome, he has small hands.
This is LOVERLY. So who is driving the balloon? You? Or Handsome. If it is Handsome, he has very small hands.
haha! wait, H-SPO. look at the picture again. unless Handsome has two left hands, that would be impossible! the hand actually belongs to the balloon's pilot, who cleverly hid himself behind us.
hansen, i want to know more!
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