I think I owe you a couple of apologies. First of all, I am SO SORRY that I couldn't be at home today for Mother's Day. And while I'm at it, I'd also like to apologize on behalf of all your children for lying to you for the past week. I'm sorry that Crasey told you she couldn't come home for Mother's Day, and I'm sorry that the Fairy King keeps avoiding your calls. I'm sorry that Umulu, who's home visiting you right now, keeps fabricating reasons to leave the house, and I'm sorry that all of our phone conversations lately have been all about ME-ME-ME-ME. I hope you'll forgive us when you realize it was all in a good cause, that all of us were stumbling under the burden of the very great secret we've been keeping, and feeling terrified that we would crack under the combined weight of our guilt and excitement.
You see, we've bought you a puppy.
What's more, when you wake up early on Sunday morning, all of your children (except me, of course, and again, I'm so sorry) will be crowded around your bed with flowers, muffins, and a squirming bundle of fur named Obadiah. We hope this goes just a little way to showing you how much we worship the ground you walk on. You are, without exception, the most wonderful woman, the best mother, and the most loving person we know, and in spite of your unbelievably corny sense of humor, we love you more than anything.
Although we know that no dog will ever take Sheba's place in your heart, we hope that this little guy fills the empty space in our home.
Your Children.
UPDATE: 8:30 AM. The Amazing Captain Mommypants LOVES THIS DOG.
This format is a little strange, I know, but we were video chatting this morning, and I took these pictures. Here's Mom with Obadiah. I know it's hard to see who's there behind that HUGE SMILE THAT SPLIT HER FACE IN HALF, but that strikingly attractive woman is my mother.
And then I made everybody get in the screen so I could take a picture of the whole family (minus Pops, who is in Australia on business right now -- Hi, Dad!! We miss you!!).
And just cause I feel guilty knowing that my mother (who hates having her picture taken) will say something completely untrue like "oh, god, I look terrible" when she sees these pictures on the internet, here's a beautiful photo of Captain Mommypants and Bug from last summer.
Happy Mother's Day, Mama. Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there.
another update: i was on the phone with mom when she read this post. first she laughed, then she cried, then she got to the first picture and said, "oh, my god. you put a picture of me like THAT up on the internet?"
do I know my mother, or what.
Beautiful! The story + the cute puppy + the update. Happy Mother's Day. Y'all are some pretty good kids, I can see a lot of credit goes to your mama. :-)
What a good daughter! Great gift! What a great idea - Sheba Part II. >: )
oh my gosh, that is so sweet and so cute! I hope your mom loves the new puppy.
sorry you couldnt go home for mothers day.
awww, what a GREAT gift for Captain Mommypants!!! I bet they are on a beautiful walk right now.
= D
happy mother's day amazing captain mommypants! :)
LMAO. You're certainly a better daughter than I. Wait.... you know what I mean;) Last mothers day I did My due diligence and called me mum. I said "Thanks for getting it on 30 years ago!". She did laugh quite a bit, but I still felt a little awkward not being more loving. At the same time, I think aside from a hug she knows not to expect any more or less than humor:)
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