Internet cafes are apparently abundant around the UCA (Universidad de CentroAmerica), where I'll be working at the historical archives, so I believe I can post with some regularity. Not so sure how easily I can upload photos, but I'll figure that out when I get there. I'm hoping to spend my weekends off exploring the wilds of Nicaragua (oh, volcanoes, ah, beaches, oh, adventure!) so I'm shooting for two to three posts a week. No promises, just possibilities. :)
The best news of all is that I found a TRAVEL BUDDY!! Yahoooooo! I sent out this big schmemail to folks in my address book saying Adios, here's where I'm off to, send your address if you want postcards, and guess what. A friend knows a friend who'll be living in Granada, a cool colonial city only a short bus ride away from Managua. So we've been in touch, and are planning to meet up down there and plan some weekend getaways together. Giant sigh of relief. It's not that I can't travel by myself. I've done so many times before, and enjoyed it. But it's just always nicer to have somebody to sit with over a beer and talk about the crazy things you've seen and done. Or to help you put the pieces back together after you've been robbed at knifepoint. Ick. Let's hope that last one isn't necessary. I knew I had some friends planning trips down there (Maxita, Varunski, Umulu, I can't wait to see you!), but their visits are all kind of lumped up together in November, so this is a super nice special treat from the Travel Gods.
I'm pretty much packed, and ready for Managua, Nicaragua and the great beyond. Look, I'm even ready for air pollution. Bring it on, black-smoke-belching Central American city buses! I am SO ready for you.
In short, I am so excited for my trip. Regretful at leaving, sad to leave my friends, my city, my life behind for a while, but excited at the prospect of new and interesting people and places. Oh, itchy travel bug, welcome back. It's been a while, and I've missed you.
Love the picture... you look soo ready for pollution. or china. wait, i guess they are one in the same...
so i was thinking of maybe trying to make a trip out to see you, and bringing Sweet Baby Face with me! who knows, it could totally work out!!
The Fairy King
Vaya con dios, AmazingCheastypants. Looking forward to reading about your adventures.
Sigh. I remember travel. I hope to one day resume it, when the whelps have grown.
Have a FABULOUS time, can't wait to hear all about it!
i am SO WITH LINDSEY... i can't *wait* until i am able to travel again! not that i've been to any of the cool places you've been to, but well, it will just be nice to one day be able to pack up and leave for a while without having to worry about diapers, bottles and tantrums. digressing.
have a fantabulous time! :)
Be careful down there and have an amazing trip!!!!!!
Oh Cheastypants we are all going to miss you! Have a great time in the Nic and I'm sure I'll keep updated with all your fabulous stories here! = )
By the way I got a great pedicure in Granada.
now extending a warm welcome mat to any and all who want to see nicaragua this fall. come on down!! I can't believe I'm leaving so soon... cripes. i have so much shit to take care of tomorrow I might die.
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