Oh, it was heavenly. We walked, we swam, we lounged about in hammocks, we ordered fish for lunch and got FISH. As in whole, grilled, head-and-fins-and-skin-attached fish. I love fish like this, but it was a first for Moxita. It came out on it's huge plate, a lime wedge stuck in its befanged mouth, and Moxita looked at me in dead shock. "But Cheasty, that's a real fish!" Why yes, it is. And soooooo delicious!
On our long walks up and down the beach we saw all kinds of natural wonders. Mussels wiggling their way back into the sand, whole conch shells washed up on shore, bleached sand dollars, and best of all, something I've never seen outside a petting zoo. Live sand dollars.
Oh my goodness I was so excited to find these things! I love the way their little tentacles wave and circle, and the patterns they leave on the sand when they burrow underneath it. These were another first for Moxita, too, and she loved them at least as much as I did. Look, she even kissed them goodbye when it was time to go. Goodbye, little sand dollars! Thank you for playing!
After a long and beautiful evening, a dinner picnic on the beach with cheese and foccacia crackers and a bottle of very wonderful wine, and an hour or so of star-gazing and rambling conversation, we toddled off to bed at the positively geriatric hour of 8:30. I know, ridiculous, but we were drunk, tired, and happy, and there was nothing else going on. Today we came back to Managua to pick up our great friend Varunski (pics to follow later) and tomorrow we head off on a week of travels to places with very little internets. How excited am I? I feel like I could dance the Dance of Unending Joy and never ever stop.
So off we go. Wish us luck, wish us happiness, and tune back in next Monday to see how it all went. Hasta entonces, amigos...
Oh man, it looks like you guys are having so much fun! I want to be at the beach, too!! Hi Moxita! Hi Varunski!
I can't wait to hear about all your adventures, have an amazing time :)
Sounds like paradise. Dang, that plate of food looked deelicious too!
The last time I danced that little number, I sprained an ankle. Unending joy isn't all its cracked up to be.
Enjoy my dear - just be sure that the fish isn't winking at you before you eat it! Have a great time and be safe my wandering nomad!
Love, hugs and kisses,
Captain Mommypants
Enjoy my dear - just be sure that the fish isn't winking at you before you eat it! Have a great time and be safe my wandering nomad!
Love, hugs and kisses,
Captain Mommypants
Brain is shrivelling...... heartbeat becoming faint.............will to live receding...................need cheastypants fix.....come back home, cheasty, come back home..........
A bit melodramatic? Okay, maybe a little. Hope you and your poodle are having a blast, and I look forward to reading the hilarity of your adventures.
I am glad you are having a lovely holiday but we miss you! I hope you come back with lots of happy stories about your adventures.
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