M'er F'er, I can't get any other pictures to load of the beauty pageant.
In other random news, a German tourist wearing a fanny pack, a mosquito-repelling-hat-with-net, quick-dry pants, and black socks under Teva sandals just walked into the bar I'm at right now. Oh, goodness, this is too funny for words. I heart stereotypes.
Also, for your delectation and enjoyment, some pictures of the group that went out this weekend. The two gringos are the medical doctors I met in Mulukuku, the small town I went to last week to collect some interviews. And you know what's really cool and coincidental? That handsome bearded blond fellow, the one that's doing his best to look almost unbearably creepy right there, is none other than my good friend Mutt's brother, Gregorio! What a freakin' teeny tiny little world we live in. About two weeks ago Mutt wrote me: "hey cheasty, guess what, i just learned that my brother is in this little town in Nicaragua called Mulukuku. I don't know if that's anywhere near you, but just in case, I thought I'd let you know." And of course I almost died of surprised and delighted shock, since I was getting to head right to that teensy tinsy little itty bitty town myself in just a few days. When last I'd seen Gregorio we'd been matched up on a bocce ball team that decimated the competition at a family picnic last spring. With such a glorious history between us, who wouldn't want to be reunited in the Nicaraguan campo? He and his colleague Emilia were working at the health cooperative up there, and we had a blast the whole time I was there, and then again when they stopped by Matagalpa on their way out of the country this past weekend.
M'er F'er, I can't get any other pictures to load of the big group of us. Effing internet sucks.
And lastly in my string of random things, oh my goodness, I have caught some kind of parasite or something. Lindsey the Hairwrecker (go read: she's hilarious) is going to be jealous as hell, in the midst of all the exercising and dieting, because, baby, this is the way to lose weight fast. It's not fun, but when everything you put in your mouth races out the other end 19 minutes later, the pounds just melt away. Sadly, you also feel sort of saggy and tired and malnourished all the time, but as my grandmother once said, "Dahling, one must suffer to be beautiful."
All right, I have lost my will to battle spotty internet for the time being. As it is, I'm running dangerously close to getting deleted in another one of the perpetual rolling power outages up here. Adios, hasta luego!
Gregorio definitely looks like a creepy freak-o! (I recognize that face from somewhere...) But oooohh, the drag queens, they be lookin smokin' hot!!
jeff, be ye drunk, y´scurvy mite? de drag queens be fuzzy, and gregorio looks just like you! it´s actually wild how much you two talk and gesture the same. at first i kept calling him jeff on accident!
Awww, poor Cheastypants. I feel your dolor. At least we can be malnourished beauties together now!
Can't wait to see you! We can go out for toast and tea!
on second viewing, I think this might be the best illustration of that night ever! my - are those beer goggles you have on, dear cheastypants. I see how it all went down now....
- Cookie
do you have to be a German tourist to sport the black socks with Tevas? I was thinking that could be my new "I'm pregnant and this is the only thing that feels good so back off and go get me some borscht and mangos!"
Plus it's just plain sexy.
good news, renny, the coke cure is workng wonders, and soon i'll be plump and delicious again. sorry, you know how much i'd love to explore the cadaverous lifestyle with you, but what's a girl going to do?
cookie, you know me too well. rum goggles, me dear!
kate, you rad mama. go for it! black socks, borscht, the whole nine yards. just name the little tyke cheasty!
Oh man, I'm so jealous you got to go to a drag queen beauty pageant! I love those. I don't envy you the stomach bug though. Feel better soon.
omg, you are hilarious. sorry i've been so absent lately...
those Nicaraguan drag queens look hot when the picture is so fuzzy! wheet-whew! 'cept, they may as well be 12 yr olds girls (or boys) from the continent of Asia with pictures of that quality.
btw, you're GAWGEOUS!
OMG... Nicaraguan drag queens!! i wish i could have been there for that one! You know how i adore a good queen!
wonder if they are as scary as their NC counterparts...
The Fairy King
pru - a) LOVE the profile pic, and b) thanks. i'm doing better. next time i go to a drag show i'll take you with me!
mofm, you flatterer you. i'm glad you're back!
FK - where have you been, my love?! i miss you! wish you could've been there to see it. a drag show in most places around the world is a little "throwing-off-the-chains," but here in Nica, it was practically revolutionary and the spirit of the whole show was one of euphoria. for all that life is tough for the gay community in the US, be glad you weren't born where it's virtually unheard of to be openly out. love you, brother!
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