Well, Bug, you'd better watch it, buddy. I am not about to give this guy up without a fight. So you can hold hands with him,
And you can frolic in the water with him, leaping and splashing and jumping about.
You can share your favorite little dog with him,
And you can even let him spin you around and around
and around and around in the water.
And when it's time for us to head back to Texas, you can cover him up with all the Guys so I can't find him and make him come to the plane with me.
But I'm older and wilier than you, young Skywalker. I see his hand, waving at me from behind Brown Bear. So I tell you what, little Bug. I'm also a nice lady, and I love you an awful lot, so here's a deal. If you promise not to steal Handsome away from me...
I'll share him with you.
And we can all live happily ever after.
The end.
You guys are so freakin' adorable! You are a lucky lady, indeed:)
After this post there are going to be TONS of little brothers, ladies, and not to mention stuff animals who will be lined up at your door requesting to share Handsome. Watch out! ; ) (please tell Handsome I said hello!)
Ummm, was that SUPPOSED to make people cry? No? No, you say? Well, then, uhhhhh, I, ummm, I just cut up an onion. Yeah, an onion.
Aww, so cute. I miss you guys already.
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