Seriously, when was the last time you went five days without internet access of any kind? I'm asking because I just did, and it was awesome. I've been in the North Carolina mountains - Transylvania County, Land of Waterfalls, to be precise - for a college friend's wedding, and oh my lady gaga, have I been having fun. There's a bunch of us from college that are good friends of such long standing that it's really more like we're family. We even have reunions. So while we went to the mountains for this:

And this:

And this:

We stayed around for this:

And this:

And a little bit of this:

And of course we walked about in places that looked like this:

And had fascinating conversations at beautiful waterfalls:

And generally basked in the glow of being with friends who know you well and love you fiercely. Which, for the record, totally rocks.
I deeply regret that I do not plan on ever having another wedding that will provide a party of these proportions! So I guess we'll just have to create more opportunities for internet-less gathering. How beautiful. (I can't believe you captured the fist pump, by the way. Matthew is impressed!!)
What a lovely snapshot of your previous 5 days with snapshots! = )
Wow, looks like so much fun! I love that dress you wore to the wedding, it new ;-)?
I also enjoyed the reference to the little bro's blog, hehe.
See you in two weeks!!!
gogodanae, are you secretly lahn jahn in disguise? i think yes. the wedding was wonderful, and matty's fist pump was the best thing EVER.
and renny, yes it's new. and oh, my lady gaga, do i love it. :)
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