This morning at 8:30 am, the little dog whom I have loved with my whole heart, and who, in turn, has trusted and loved me with all of hers, passed away. Birdie my love. I am bereft.
Birdie was quite a trooper! She brough so much love and joy into your life, and you gave her all any of us really has to give - -your love and devotion- It's been a beautiful love story to watch! My heart breaks for you and for the Bird. In my mind's eye I see her spirit romping around on Susan and Mike's farm - deep in the heart of Texas - having a great time smelling all the smells and free from her little body that was so sick. I love you Sweetie, and I'm so very sad for your loss. Love, hugs and kisses, Mommy
Im so sorry to hear this. I wish I were not a million miles away today, so that i could be with you and just give you a hug.
Birdie might just have been the luckiest little dog to ever pass the face of this earth; to have know love like that is truly a special thing for an animal.
I am so sorry, my dear sister, that you have had to go through this. Just remember: to the same token that you changed that cute little dogs life, she has brightened yours.
Oh hon, I'm so sorry to hear this, it's hard even when you know it's coming. I'm going to give you the biggest hug ever as soon as possible. She was a wonderful dog, and even more importantly, you were a wonderful mother and friend to her and made her last year so very happy.
Just a grad student in Texas trying to stay in touch, tell good stories, and make people laugh. If you want to say hello, leave a comment (will work for comments), or if you're shy just email me at I'll get back to you.
Words cannot express the sadness I feel for you now. Much love, my friend.
I am so so very sorry for your loss:(
Cheasty, my love, your love for Birdie made her life so good - such a lucky old lady puppy she was. Thinking about you today, lady! Talk soon.
Birdie was quite a trooper! She brough so much love and joy into your life, and you gave her all any of us really has to give - -your love and devotion- It's been a beautiful love story to watch! My heart breaks for you and for the Bird. In my mind's eye I see her spirit romping around on Susan and Mike's farm - deep in the heart of Texas - having a great time smelling all the smells and free from her little body that was so sick. I love you Sweetie, and I'm so very sad for your loss. Love, hugs and kisses, Mommy
Im so sorry to hear this. I wish I were not a million miles away today, so that i could be with you and just give you a hug.
Birdie might just have been the luckiest little dog to ever pass the face of this earth; to have know love like that is truly a special thing for an animal.
I am so sorry, my dear sister, that you have had to go through this. Just remember: to the same token that you changed that cute little dogs life, she has brightened yours.
I love you and am think about you lots today.
The Fairy King
Oh hon, I'm so sorry to hear this, it's hard even when you know it's coming. I'm going to give you the biggest hug ever as soon as possible. She was a wonderful dog, and even more importantly, you were a wonderful mother and friend to her and made her last year so very happy.
Sending you much, much love and hugs my dear Cheastypants.
I'm so sorry to hear that, Cheasty. She was lucky to be where she was for the last chapter of her life. I'm glad that I got to meet her.
I'm so sorry. I love you.
Oh Cheast, I am so sorry. Birdie was a great little dog, and I know you loved her so much. I wish I were there to give you a hug.
My sympathies to you. This morning was our first morning with our newly adopted mini schnauzer Rodney. One life gained.
So sorry for your loss Cheasty. I'm sure your love for Birdie made the transition an easy one.
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