Is this where I should launch into a long narrative of the evenings marvels and delights? I think not, as the pictures largely speak for themselves. Suffice it to say that her family rocks, her kids are two of the most adorable little gremlins ever to walk the planet, her home is all that is lovely, and MOFM herself made me laugh until I almost wet myself. Also, wine and tacos really do make one heck of a fine meal. I shall do it again myself one day, I think. But first, a guessing game! Who can guess how many tacos MOFM can eat in one sitting? Pick a number between 1 and a million, and prepared to stand awed before her.
So I rocked up to her home in time for dinner, and wa-la! Here's where the magic happens:
MOFM and her baby girl:
Her handsome little devil. His favorite phrase? "Or what." As in, "Hey, Cheasty, are you going to come play with me now, or what?" "Do you want to come see my room with me, or what?" "Hey, are you guys done eating yet, or what?!"
Eventually we did stop eating, and settled down to keep drin- er, talking. I meant to say talking.
Her husband Al was nice enough to be the session photographer, the results of which were, um... well. Again, the pictures speak for themselves.
So there're about a million more pictures I could post here to chronicle an excellent evening, but I'll leave some of the story-telling to MOFM herself. But for fans of MOFM, here's her mother, SoCal, with her grandkids, and.... A DOLLY!!
A DOLLIE! Damn you, just when I thought I could get through this entry without peeing!!
That looks like such a friggin' great time! AWESOME.
Looks like a good time! I hope that y'all post the pictures that were making y'all laugh so hard, or was that the picture of the dollie?
AWESOME! I totally love that you guys were giddy and lounging on each other like old bffs. So fun! AL taking pictures? Irony. Love it.
MOFM can eat 13 tacos. She could probably eat more but needs space for the 1.5L wine. :)
Glad I finally made my way over here, Cheasty. You're funny!
oh dear how i adore you! i forgot that you snapped a picture of that dolly posed elegantly on the corner of the pool table downstairs amongst the shit Al sells on eBay! AWESOME!
it really was so much fun! i'm such a huge DORK because i'm having such a hard time figuring out what to write on my blog! GAH!
but yeah, you're my new BFF. :)
Is there something about the dolly that I don't get? Curse my mom for not buying me creepy dolls!!
Looks like you guys had a fabulous time-- now come back soon!
Oh much fun was had. That is evident!
Speaking of MOFM's blog....can I play? Come on guys? Let me in! What do I have to do to get an invite?
Thanks everybody, it really was a faboo time. And Jessica O, welcome! thanks for stopping by. Renny, the dolly is... er... well. I'm not sure why, but MOFM's husband buys antique dollies and sells them on ebay. MOFM takes pictures of the weirdest ones and posts them on her blog. It's her thing. Kate, I'll forward your request to MOFM and hopefully you'll get your invite soon.
Now I can't wait to see what pictures and stories MOFM tells because guess what (stunner) I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT THOSE PICTURES ON HER CAMERA WERE!! All I know is that when I was drunk they were hilarious.
renny and kate -- i had to go to invite only about 3 weeks ago. send me an email at matteroffactmommy at and i'll invite you. :)
and i just published my post about the evening...
MOFM-I knew that I had visited your blog before and was surprised when I saw that it went to invite. Expect an email shortly!
Cheasty-I absolutely hate that we (well, just me actually, everyone else in my family will be properly soused) won't get to have drunk pictures in July! I am sure that there will be belly shots though.
hey kate, don't worry. just cause you won't be drunk doesn't mean I won't be!! plus, i might slip a micky in your co-cola. :)
Hey Cheasty!! What a great time! I love these pics. You two are freakin' gorgeous!
I'm also glad that Jessica O. mentioned that she was new around here too so now I don't feel so left out. How am I JUST finding you? Eesh. I need to branch out. Even FRANK knows about the Amazing Cheastypants. :-p (j/k)
Excellent post! Looking forward to reading more....
Of course I know about Cheastypants, Bev. She's cute, single, smart, funny, and local!
what i can't believe is how no one has yet to mention "dead doggie" on the couch. WTF?
Your pictures are great! It's obvious how much fun you two had. Is that SoCal? Daaaaaaaam. MoFM is going to age well. And props to you for your nice rack, which I mentioned on Mo's blog. And I was all set to comment, what's up with her sitting on a dead dog? She's never mentioned that fetish before.
hey, did anybody else notice a dead doggie on the couch?
thanks for the rack-omplement, samsmama. too bad it's all push-up bra!
and frank, you old charmer... words fail me, you big flirt.
Looks like a great time!
So how much wine did the poodle have?
Heh. I didn't even notice the poodle.
the damn dolls...
looks like you guys had a blast, good thing, could you imagine if you didn't like each other at all.
the damn dolls...
looks like you guys had a blast, good thing, could you imagine if you didn't like each other at all.
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