I always thought that if you had to wear a burka, at least the advantage might be not needing to worry whether your boobs were sufficient unto the task set before them. Apparently I was wrong. Also, I had no idea about garlic's augmentative capacity in the mammary region. This is brilliant news! I shall increase my intake of garlic immediately, and hopefully by Christmas I too shall have breasts the size of soup tureens. Huzzah for garlic!
Garlic gives you bigger tits? I'm off to the grocery store right now!
Oh but then your breath will reek and no one will want to come near your newly largisized boobs. I am telling you, pregnancy is the way to go.
Garlic would never repel a man from a nice rack!
... unless maybe he's a vampire (sorry Bev).
Mala is correct. I love me some garlic, breast-enhanced or not.
I like the fact that the Nitro Breast Enlarging Cream includes Free Soap. What good are bodacious breasticles if they stick to the sheets?
Does this mean our friend in Iraq will have a voluptuous bosom when he makes it back to the states? Perhaps this product is for all the single men in the middle east...
i think our anonymous friend in iraq is abstaining from all bosom enhancement creams, but i have placed a special order so that you and i might become more voluptuous, cookie. never fear - garlic is here!
*looks down at nearly-flat chest*
I must be immune to garlic.
Do you ingest the garlic or rub it on? I don't know why or if this is important. I just wanted to be involved in the conversation somehow and couldn't think of anything to say.
i'm with jess, just want to be involved...
whatever happened to the simple, yet useful, "we must, we must, we must increase our bust!" wasn't that from those judy bloom books? fuck, i can't remember. i drink too much.
I guess I have forgotten the power of the boobie. Garlic breath be damned!
Cheastypants, that's so funny I placed an order too with our anonymous friend. He also said he discovered a new cream which I think is sellable in Longview by the truckload... more on that later. ; )
I know it has only been 3 days but I am missing you!
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