She's named for a character in a novel called Raney, by Clyde Edgerton. If you have not read this absolutely delightful little book, I suggest you do so immediately, especially if you've ever spent more than five minutes in the South. Kate, I think you in particular might enjoy it. Crasey and I read this book aloud to each other every few years, just to make each other laugh. If you click the link, it'll take you to a google books site where you can read the first bit of the book to see if you like it. Anyway, when you get to the part where the old man calls his wife (whose name is Birdie), you'll understand why I named my stone deaf little pooch Birdie.
Anyway, she's awesome and I am so glad she's mine, even if I do have to cook her special meals of chicken and rice just to get her to eat. She hates her dog food. Oh my god, did I really just type that? When did I become somebody that would cook special food for their dog? Next thing you know I'll be giving up pedicures to send her off to a doggie day spa. Somebody stop me!
birdie is cute! but i'm not gonna go read the book. because, well asking me to read a book is like asking a deaf dog to hear.
oh, and my mom bakes chicken every week for her dog, Mr. Pimms. my mom doesn't get pedicures, though so it works out for her. ;)
well at least SoCal is with me, then. hooray, special needs dogs!
it all starts with "The Cooking Of Special Meals" and just goes down hill from there... trust me, I know. Last Xmas i saved up to get that Cole Haan coat for Riley, and she hates it. So what did I do? Saved up for Coach collars to make it up to her.
Birdie is adorable, and i am sure totally worth the time it takes to pamper her... take a tip from me, a pampered pooch know what side their bread is buttered on!! Let the slavish devotion begin!!
The Fairy King
well i can promise you no designer labels are making it around my doggie's neck, but i've come to the same decision. pamper my old pup - she's only got a few more years left, might as well make them wonderful ones!
Wow, what personality she has in just a picture! Love Birdie, cute name.
Cute pooch! That name suits her. And how funny to give a deaf dog a name. You could call her anything really. It's not like she's hearin' ya call her!
Mutts rock! Older mutts rock harder! People who adopt older mutts rock the hardest!
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