Well today's post is just a small nod to those childhood dreams. I finally got my parents to plant a garden, so I spent most of the day today weeding the damn thing. I turned the compost heap, looked at the barn for a while, sat in the meadow and chewed a piece of grass. Then I took the dogs on a long tramp through the woods, over to the pond and the river, up through the forest. And oh my good lord, somehow in my dreams of bucolic nirvana, I just never realized about the snakes. I found FIVE SNAKES in the woods - four black snakes, which are fine. But the sixth one? It was a 3 foot long copperhead (highly poisonous) coiled up and poised to strike in the middle of the path. The dogs, which are largely senseless creatures, wanted to play with it, of course, except the little old guy Theo (Crasey's little prince of her heart, whom she left in the care of our parents when she took of for travels in Southeast Asia). Theo is 13 years old and nearly blind. On top of it all, he's...

Well, look at that face. He rules the AmazingPants family with a jaunty wave of his tail, and Crasey pretty much things the sun rises and sets out of his ass, so we all live in terror that something might happen to him while Crasey's gone. Zoe and Obie, the big dogs, wanted to play with the copperhead (AARRGHGHHHH, WHY SO DUMB!!!) so I called them back to me, brandishing a hoe in one hand. But Theo is not one to sit idly by while some other dog might be getting an ounce of attention. HE IS THE KING IN THESE PARTS, DAMMIT! So when I called the other dogs, Theo, who was trotting about, blithely oblivious to the fanged death awaiting him only 3 feet away, decided he wanted to come and check it out in case treats were to be distributed. Streaking across the forest floor, he just leaped over the copperhead as if it were any other branch on the ground, and my heart stopped. I watched him expose his soft little underbelly to the poisoned fangs of a killer snake, and began rehearsing a conversation in my head that started something like this: "So, Crasey... remember Theo?" Oh, shudders. Luckily, the snake didn't know where to bite first, and Theo got safely to my side. I snatched him up in my arms and hustled us all out of the woods.
John Denver, why didn't you tell me what it was really like? Why sing to me of cakes on the griddle and your find old fiddle or your grandma's feather bed? What good is a utopian dream if I find out that really, there are killer snakes.
Ha ha! So true! I don't even want to know what Rocky Mtn High is really about.
Seriously, though, I have a huuuuge soft spot for John Denver. I actually listened to his music on...wait for it... 8-track when I was a kid! Yes!
Scary snakes, funny doggies, good tunes! Can I move in here? :)
You dog-saving, snake-wrangling, compost-turning, barn-looking, cowgirl-wanna-being, john denver-loving superhero you.
Awwwwww. What a sweet dog. I just want to scratch his little head and give him a treat.
Glad he didn't get bit.
This is why i keep my dogs out of the woods... Riley would be irritated at the snakes existence, therefore probably antagonizing it in some way, while Maddox... Well, lets face it. He is an idiot. He would most likely get bit on the nose while trying to sniff its butt...
Thank goodness you saved Theo...
The Fairy King
ps - dont you think he looks just like Ugly Dog in that picture??
I told Superdad about the killer snakes when he woke up from his Scarlet Fever-induced mega-nap later that afternoon. SCARLET FEVER. He jumped right up. "Oh, boy! Let's go see if it's still there!" What's a 102 degree fever when there are killer snakes to be found?
Your dad has scarlet fever too?? Should we quarantine your family? I'll pick you up at the airport with a surgeon's mask on.
Oh, and I'm glad all the doggies survived the poisonous snake. SCARY!!
Exciting! I found some nestled in firewood at our ranch one time. Yikes!
I love Superdad's "Oh Boy!" LOL!
i love how you liken the john denver song to copperheads in the forest. cheasty's got talent! ;)
where i grew up in socal, we had chickens and horses and a garden and all that. the thing about socal is that there really aren't that many dangers (aside from the fires and earthquakes) when it comes to venomous snakes and lyme disease and shit. when i was a kid, i ran around barefoot, drank out of a hose and don't really remember washing my hands very often (what you must think of me)... anyway, point being, the woods are DANGEROUS! to kids, but especially to senseless dogs and fathers with scarlet fever.
glad everyone made it out okay!
superdad went snake hunting and he got the copperhead.
superdad, indeed.
I went to a very small town high school. And that song was a regular at weekend bush parties. Yeah, we partied in fields. Awesome.
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