Clearly a sane person would run far and fast. That is, in fact, what I would do if I were you, cause if I know me, I'd be trying to give you something cool, but still creepy. Well, I'd be wrong to do so, at least right now. Know why? Come here, I'll show you.
Is this not the cutest little thing you've ever seen?
(Many thanks to Gregorio, my hand model, who did indeed approach me just as I described above. I ran.)
Don't forget about that well-known gem: "Hey, smell my finger!"
Wherever did he find that very tiny, very cute thing?
Be careful, or he'll try to sell you insurance!
I get those in my house a lot. If they get into the bathtub, they can't get out.
kate, you're hilarious. yesterday, in all innocence, i asked my chiropractor to pull my toe. there was an awkward pause, and then we both started laughing!
that cute little tiny thing lives in Mulukuku, Nicaragua. It just took me a while to put the pics up. Frank, do you have a zoo of geckos in your tub?
They're cute when they're that tiny. When they are much larger and sitting on one of your forks in the kitchen, not so much.
No zoo o'geckos. If I find them in time, I put them back outside. If I don't find them in time... :-(
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