Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We Have A Winner

Thank you, thank you all for participating in the first ever (and maybe the last?) Amazing Cheastypants Popularity Contest. I laughed, I cried. It was better than Cats. At long last, we have a winner. While I'd like to congratulate H-SPO for her totally revolting Meatloaf yogurt entry, and myself (applause) for the vomitacious Black Olives and Peanut Butter yogurt, we each only got one vote each. The real winners, as I'm sure you already know, were:

1. Sauerkraut and Peach yogurt, entry by The Fairy King. The ingredients are rather self explanatory, and induce nausea every time I think of them.


2. Texas Potpourri yogurt, entry by the incredibly incredibly good-looking Dame Cookie. For those of poor memory (ahem, that would be me), the ingredients are: essence of homeless person sweat, chunks of I35 pavement, shavings of cedar fever, yellow numbers 5 and 7, dash of Matthew McConaughey's weed, bluebonnets. (gag, choke, barf)

And the winner is.... (i'm just going to pretend you all couldn't go and count yourselves)......

TEXAS POTPOURRI YOGURT, BY DAME COOKIE! yaay, cheers, hip, hip, hooraaaaayyyyyy!!! and the crowd goes wild!!

First prize, I've decided, is a yogurt from Wheatsville Market here in Austin. Cookie, you may redeem your prize at your earliest convenience or Friday night, whichever comes first.

Honorable mention, of course, goes to my wonderful brother The Fairy King, and is a big hug and kiss and maybe if he's dead lucky either my famous roasted chicken OR my famous lasagna dinner when I get home. Depends on how much he flatters me.



Anonymous said...

Woo hoo to prizes! [even if none are for me :-)] I think it's important to note that although the most revolting yogurt contest has ended (sniffle sniffle), there is another contest right now by Stonyfield for the best tasting yogurt: http://www.stonyfield.com/flavorelection/ Ah, so many opportunities to show one's patriotism (or yogurtism?) and vote!

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you all! I would also like to thank my inspiration for this horrible concoction -- Texas (where I live, work, and play) and of course Matthew McConaughey's mary jane. What a beautiful combo.

Look for Texas Potpourri coming to a grocer near you!

Cheastypants, I will redeem my yogurt prize soon!
