We passed an awesome classic car, a Studebaker Cruiser, all red and beautiful, a mustachioed dude in his 40s behind the wheel in a muscle-man t-shirt and ponytail. Here's a picture of another car, same make and model, but it's blue. Sorry it's really tiny, but this interweb is still confusing to me, and it's the best I can do right now.

Cool, right? As we passed this fine automobile I was pretty obviously ogling it, so the driver looked at me, and smiled. I smiled back.
"Nice car!" I shouted over at him. He smiled back and winked at me.
"What year is it?" I asked.
"Sixty-five," he shouted back. "What about you?"
So what did you shout back? The year of your car? In that case I could have yelled, "I just turned 20!" Except I was in a rental car today so the response would have been, "3!"
i just smiled and waved. penata floored it, and we zipped away in a cloud of gloriousness. that girl really knows how to make an exit.
Thanks for writing this.
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